
  • Oleksii Matviienko



subject, subjectivity, state, communication, effective communication, successful communication


In the twenty-first century, in the context of the expansion and complexity of political communication, the issue of subjectivity, the admissibility of using various tools that could lead to successful communication, the degree of rational and objective perception of reality, and the possibility of influencing current processes is becoming more acute. The main purpose of this article is to clarify the understanding of the concepts of subject and subjectivity and their significance for the specifics of the subjective analysis of political communications and to assess the degree of subject formation in Ukrainian society. Based on the analysis of historical and philosophical systems, the author proves that successful communication depends on philosophical, social and political-social aspects. The issue of successful communication between actors, both at the level of society and in political circles, is important because it ensures changes and transformations in the state itself, as well as forms the guidelines that the political elite of Ukraine should follow to ensure effective and successful communication on the world stage. That is why the main problem in this area in Ukrainian society is the lack of a political elite (political actors) that would be truly professional and for whom the main issue would be the success and development of Ukraine as a state, not their own interests and enrichment. The author of the article reveals the cognitive and ontological conditions for further preservation and understanding of the meaning of the concept of "subject" in general in modern science and political communication, offering his own version of not just a theoretical generalization of this issue, but its practical application, which makes it possible to move on to a political and communicative analysis of subjectivity. On the one hand, as a worldview and substantive understanding of the concept of a subject as an individual or legal entity, and on the other, as a specific role in the political and international arena. The basis of organizational and substantive subjectivity is activity, and an important condition and form of manifestation of the subject is the attitude to a wide range of problems, which is based on independence, reflexivity and trust. When we talk about the Ukrainian state, we must take into account its sovereignty, legal capacity, civilizational maturity and political independence.


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How to Cite

Matviienko О. В. (2024). SUBJECT, SUBJECTIVITY AND EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION. Культурологічний альманах, (1), 213–218.