


aggression, frustration, language, culture, society, worldview


The paper focuses on the methodological foundations of the sociocultural vision of the aggression phenomenon. The question of human aggression occupies not the last step in contemporary philosophy of humanitarianism . Humans, improving their thinking and awareness of being, have moved far away from the animal world and still left their wild senses that affect their existence in the social environment. Human beings have biotic body and instincts, so the animal world's laws do influence on their behavior and desires. The person's essence is a manifestation of the subconscious, which he/she tries to understand thanks to his/her ability to think, which is directly related to the dynamic processes of interaction between representatives of society. The polysemy of both scientific statements and theoretical methodological approaches to the study of this issue indicate the urgency of the aggression problem, the need to clarify it and find ways to solve it. Communication with others within the framework of social interaction is an integral aspect of any person's life, which is mainly conducted through the exchange of ideas, information, opinions and various activities and the language - one of the most important social and cultural factors. The study of the peculiarities of aggression phenomenon is most widely showed up in the symbiosis of various sciences with philosophy. In order to determine the inherent nature of such a trait as aggression, we turn to historical, psychological, socio-philosophical interpretations of this issue. Aristotle, Z. Freud, K. Lorenz, Nietzsche, H. Sullivan, T. Hobbes, R. Bach, R. Baron, K. Jung, D. Richardson, K. Horney, T. Tomashevsky, V. Shapar, Y. Ritter, L. Feuerbach, K. Val, D. Dollard, N. Miller, R. Sears, T. Adorno, Y. Habermas, M. Horkheimer, L. Berkowitz, J. Vandello, D. Zillmann, С. Puryear, there are other philosophers who have rigorously examined this aspect of human life, and the vast majority of them are inclined to the concept of the interdependence of aggression and language. The role of language as a socio-cultural factor in a person's life cannot be overestimated. It manifests itself in various forms, and mainly interprets the life phenomena with the help of a verbal text, which does not always reflect positive manifestations of personality and creates obstacles in the cultural development of society.


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How to Cite

Panchuk Л. В. (2024). SOCIOCULTURAL VISION OF THE PHENOMENON OF AGGRESSION: SOURCE ANALYSIS. Культурологічний альманах, (1), 227–234.