



activation of cognitive activity, cultural studies education, higher education student, project-based learning, problem-based learning, intellectual and creative forms of learning, higher education teacher


The paper investigates the ways of activating the cognitive activity of students of cultural studies in the learning process. In the context of modern transformations in the sphere of education, science and culture, the adaptation of the national higher education system to European standards is becoming more relevant. It has been determined that the active use of multimedia, information and communication technologies, taking into account the dangers and risks posed by the Internet space, is effective for today’s students – representatives of the modern generation who are fluent in gadgets and are almost completely immersed in the Internet space. At the same time, the need to form communicative competence in direct communication in the offline format is emphasized. For this purpose, it is advisable to use discussions, dialogic forms, debates, brainstorming sessions that activate analytical thinking, teach to express their thoughts, encourage future cultural studies scholars to ask questions and seek answers, develop curiosity, and stimulate interest in learning. The effectiveness of the introduction of intellectual and creative forms (games, quests, battles, quizzes, Olympiads, crosswords, etc.), project-based, problem-based learning is emphasized. Such forms provide an opportunity to develop and practice theoretical knowledge, develop independence and responsibility, form professional competencies and soft skills (teamwork, critical thinking, time management, etc.). In the process of studying, a future cultural studies major should acquire analytical and critical thinking skills: non-standard approaches, generation of innovative ideas, openness to diversity and multiculturalism, social and emotional skills – civic consciousness, responsibility, flexibility, adaptability, listening and observation skills, empathy, ability to resolve conflicts, etc. Attention is focused on the role of the higher education teacher as a carrier of relevant knowledge, a mentor who prepares future cultural studies scholars for professional activities, guides and stimulates cognitive activity, reveals the potential and abilities of each student, supports their intellectual, professional and personal formation and growth.


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How to Cite

Kaznacheieva Л. М., & Tiuska В. Б. (2024). WAYS OF ACTIVATING THE COGNITIVE ACTIVITY OF CULTURAL EDUCATION STUDENTS IN THE PROCESS OF LEARNING. Культурологічний альманах, (1), 326–331. https://doi.org/10.31392/cult.alm.2024.1.42

