


musical and cultural journalism, life and work of rev. O. Nyzhankivskyi, Nestor Nyzhankivskyi as a journalist, Vasyl Barvinskyi, Zynovii Lysko, the founders of the cultural and artistic scene of Eastern Galicia in the first third of the twentieth century, “Lvivski Visti” periodical


The paper examines little-known journalistic materials by the founders of Ukrainian music Vasyl Barvinskyi and Zynovii Lysko dwelling upon the creative work of Nestor Nyzhankivskyi – a composer, teacher, music critic, and luminary of the cultural and artistic scene of Eastern Galicia in the first third of the twentieth century – which were published in the “Lvivski Visti” periodical. The genre peculiarities of newspaper reports published in 1942–43, after the artist’s death, are identified. The content of the recollections in the printed press is described, in which the authors thereof touch on various thematic aspects of N. Nyzhankivskyi’s life and work. The journalists Z. Lysko and V. Barvinskyi outline individual milestones in his biography, note the influence of his father – a priest, conductor, and composer – rev. O. Nyzhankivskyi on the development of his son’s musical talent, the experience of warrelated disasters, Russian captivity, degrees awarded in European universities – in Vienna and Prague, teaching as an associate professor at the Drahomanov Ukrainian Higher Pedagogical Institute, and his health issues. The authors note the Nyzhankivskyi’s active cultural and educational activities in Lviv, in particular composing, teaching, journalism, artistic performance, and social activities. Z. Lysko’s definition of “galicianity of N. Nyzhankivsky” because of the use of Ukrainian folk songs as a basis for his pieces is analyzed. V. Barvinskyi’s definition of “ukrainiannes” of N. Nyzhankivsky is considered. The journalist interprets the above definition in the context of the notions of “Ukrainian heart” and “Ukrainian soul” and substantiates the artist’s national worldview. The sociocultural views of Barvinskyi, which he expresses in publications dedicated to the memory of N. Nyzhankivsky, on the significance of the role of the Ukrainian artistic elite in the establishment of our statehood are characterized. It is proved that the content of the analyzed newspaper materials in the «Lvivski Visti» periodical contributed to the shaping of national thinking in the public of Eastern Galicia.


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How to Cite

Cherepanyn М. В., & Zvarychuk Ж. Й. (2024). FIGURE OF NESTOR NYZHANKIVSKYI IN CULTURAL AND JOURNALISTIC CONTENT OF THE “LVIVSKI VISTI” PERIODICAL. Культурологічний альманах, (1), 424–429.

