


national church, religious identity, nation-building, state-building, national identity, confessional differences


The article analyses the role of the national church in Ukrainian society, in particular, its impact on the processes of nation-building and state-building. In the modern Ukrainian context, religion is an important element in the formation of national identity, which is especially relevant during socio-political transformations and periods of crisis in state institutions. The study focuses on the activities of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine (OCU) and the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church (UGCC), which contribute to strengthening public trust and social stability. These religious institutions provide Ukrainians with a sense of unity and support in the face of political instability, playing the role of a stable moral authority. The paper uses a comprehensive approach, including historical analysis, sociological research and content analysis, to reveal the evolution of the perception of religion in Ukrainian society. After gaining independence in 1991, the church began to occupy an important place among social institutions, as due to the weakness of state structures, it became a source of moral support, a symbol of national unity and a reliable support in times of crisis. Sociological surveys show a high level of trust in religious institutions among Ukrainians, which has remained steadily high for more than two decades, while trust in political and legal structures has been steadily declining. The study also raises the question of the possibility of using the religious factor in public policy. Religion is able to consolidate society around common values, but its use for political purposes requires a cautious approach, as confessional differences can lead to social conflicts. It is also pointed out that the unification of the OCU and the UGCC into a single national church could help strengthen Ukrainian statehood and national identity, providing an additional impetus for international recognition of the Ukrainian church. Such a union could strengthen spiritual ties between the regions of Ukraine, which is important in the context of current external and internal challenges. The national church, as a symbol of unity and historical continuity, can serve as a basis for creating a common cultural and political platform. At the same time, it is noted that the role of religious institutions in nation- and statebuilding processes should be carefully considered so as not to exacerbate existing confessional differences.


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How to Cite

Alekseenko О. В. (2024). THE IDEA OF A NATIONAL CHURCH AS A KEY ELEMENT OF UKRAINIAN SELF-IDENTIFICATION. Культурологічний альманах, (4), 4–13.

