national identity, war, migration, education, hermeneutics, cultural memoryAbstract
The article examines the processes of formation and preservation of national identity in crisis conditions, particularly during war and forced migration. The analysis is based on a philosophical approach to understanding national identity as a dynamic and multi-layered structure actively changing under the influence of socio-political events. Using Paul Ricker’s hermeneutic methodology, the article focuses on interpreting symbols, narratives, and metaphors that reflect the collective experience of Ukrainian society during the war. Oksana Zabuzhko’s metaphors, such as the “prison of nations” and “cellmates”, are considered cultural markers that describe traumatic experiences and contribute to the awareness of national identity as a form of resistance. Special attention is paid to the role of education and its constitutionalization to preserve cultural memory and educate new generations in the spirit of national unity. The authors draw attention to the importance of the educational system, which not only ensures the transfer of knowledge but also forms value orientations, contributing to the consolidation of the nation in conditions of social upheaval. In the context of the experience of the Polish educational system, which accepts Ukrainian refugee children, the challenges associated with the integration of these children into a new environment and the preservation of their national identity are considered. The role of migration in forming national identity is also revealed when forced resettlement activates the processes of self-determination and strengthens the connection with cultural roots. The migration experience becomes an essential factor contributing to both the preservation of national values and adaptation to a multicultural environment, providing new opportunities for rethinking identity. Based on research and analysis of cultural symbols and educational practices, the article shows that national identity in crisis conditions turns into a powerful resource that helps society maintain integrity and resilience in the face of challenges of globalization and socio-political changes.
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