


transformation of consciousness, national identity, archetypes, collective consciousness, Russo- Ukrainian war, psychoanthropology, axiological changes


The transformation of Ukrainian consciousness amid the Russo-Ukrainian war represents a highly relevant and multifaceted phenomenon that demands profound philosophical understanding. This research reveals how the war serves as a force that radically alters the intentional, cognitive, and affective structures of both individuals and society. The depth of these changes is manifested in the reconfiguration of axiological values, with national identity assuming an archetypal, almost sacred significance. The purpose of this article is to explore how the Russo-Ukrainian war influences the evolution of Ukrainians’ national consciousness by uncovering the mechanisms underlying changes in the deep cognitive, emotional, and ideological structures fundamental to national self-awareness. The methodological approach of this research is both comprehensive and interdisciplinary, incorporating synergetic and phenomenological analyses of conscious processes. The synergetic perspective allows for the identification of nonlinear dynamics emerging within the collective consciousness under the impact of wartime upheaval, while the phenomenological approach examines profound elements of self-awareness transformed under existential pressures. Psychoanthropological and socio-philosophical methods further enhance the understanding of shifts in the psycho-emotional attitudes and value orientations within Ukrainian society. The findings indicate that, under the influence of war, Ukrainian consciousness undergoes significant transformation, evident in the radical reconfiguration of fundamental axiological and cognitive constructs. It is observed that the collective consciousness adapts to extreme conditions by internalizing new ethical imperatives that reinforce societal resilience and solidarity. The transformation of consciousness within Ukrainian society during the war is an evolutionary phenomenon that transcends conventional sociocultural changes, touching upon the existential aspects of national existence. The war acts as a catalyst for the revival and strengthening of national identity through the activation of archetypal modes of thinking and feeling at the core of collective psychology.


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How to Cite

Znamenskyi Д. В., & Predmestnikov О. Г. (2024). RESEARCH ON THE TRANSFORMATION OF CONSCIOUSNESS DURING THE RUSSO-UKRAINIAN WAR IN UKRAINIAN PHILOSOPHY. Культурологічний альманах, (4), 204–212.