gender, visual culture, image, woman-warrior, archetype, Russian-Ukrainian war, artistic culture, visual art, stereotypeAbstract
This article explores the socio-cultural dimension of the representation of the woman-warrior image in the visual culture during the military invasion of Ukraine. The visual image that emerges from the events of military aggression is analyzed, and variations of the woman-warrior image are studied using the works of Ukrainian artists as examples. It is noted that the multifaceted nature of the research problem necessitates the use of interdisciplinary methodological tools. A cultural approach uses historical, semiotic, hermeneutic, and structural-semantic methods. It is emphasized that visual representations help construct stereotypes, behavioral models, and masculine and feminine characteristics typical of society. The significance of the cultural reception of the artistic depiction of the woman-warrior in visual art is highlighted. It is noted that the representation of the woman-warrior in Ukrainian visual art during the period of the Russian-Ukrainian war is shaped by socio-political events in the country, which have influenced the visual imagery in the media. It is determined that the hostilities in Ukraine have intensified androgynous features in female depictions, as war is most often associated with male activity in Ukrainian society. The visual image is considered a synthesis of socio-political and artistic receptions that can influence the formation of contemporary cultural forms popularized due to socio-political events. It is emphasized that visual representations construct stereotypes, behavioral models, and masculine and feminine traits of gender roles. The article highlights that the process of changing gender roles in Ukrainian society is still in its early stages, reflected in two contradictory trends – sexualization and androgynization of the warrior maiden image. It is determined that the hostilities in Ukraine have intensified androgynous features in female depictions due to the existing societal stereotype of associating war with male activity. It is shown that the characteristic features in the depictions of women warriors include strength, bravery, and hatred toward the enemy. At the same time, the article emphasizes the sexualization and vulgarization of femininity, which is caused by remnants of patriarchy in Ukrainian society and the actualization of androcentrism in the media due to military actions.
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