feature film, film, Russian-Ukrainian war, screen heroAbstract
The article is devoted to identifying, based on a study of Ukrainian films of 2014–2024, the peculiarities of Ukrainian feature films in the context of the Russian-Ukrainian war. It is emphasized that Ukrainian feature films about the Russian-Ukrainian war have become a vital means of promoting patriotic feelings, while, thanks to their diverse and emotionally deep themes, they give viewers both pleasure and a sense of identity with the nation. Ukrainian feature films are considered not only as works of art, but also as cultural missions that use individual and collective narratives to create new manifestations of patriotism. It is stated that the issues of Ukrainian feature films have been studied by scholars of various fields, in particular, art historians, cultural studies, historians, etc., however, only a small number of scientific publications are devoted to individual aspects of cinematography during the period of the Russian-Ukrainian war. Ukrainian films shot during 2014–2024 are characterized, which differ in genre and plot, and were presented at film festivals of various levels. Among the identified features of Ukrainian feature films of the specified period: most films are based on real events, they are characterized by the truthfulness of the reproduction of reality; some films are close to documentaries; the tendency to heroize contemporaries, etc. It is concluded that feature films, in which ideological themes prevail, have a specific artistic mission – their basis is the reproduction of the spirit of patriotism, woven into unexpected turns in the plot, permeating the fates and decisions of each hero. In addition, such films, the themes of which are increasingly connected with real life, are not just an instructive narrative, but a depiction of patriotism through convincing stories and actions of characters, which helps viewers understand current events and illuminates future aspirations.
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