educational capital, human capital, cultural capital, strategy, tactics, loss, resources, identityAbstract
Educational capital is not just an indicator of the level of education, the presence or absence of a person's diploma or certificate of education, but a complex, a set of all the skills and competencies that people in a particular society have. Educational capital is the key to the realization of a person, the strengthening of social development, the perspective of the future and the strength of the identification markers of the people. One of the important tasks of modern times is the multiplication of educational capital. The conditions of the war in which our country found itself make us think about what strategic policies should be implemented in order to maintain the educational system and not dissipate the country's potential. Forced migration is gradually dispersing human resources around the world, and the prospects for stopping this process in the near future are disappointing. That is why there is a need for a balanced approach to the formation of strategies for conducting the educational process. Therefore, we suggest taking into account the need for constant correlation of strategies and tactics regarding the situation. We see the need to make efforts to ensure the educational process. And also, we call for the strengthening of value recognition of education as the key to the formation of a conscious citizen of the state.
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