


culture, musical performance, systemogenesis, culturogenesis, poetics


The urgency of the problem. The multiplicity of performance paradigms is a characteristic of postmodern symbiosis in musical art, particularly in performance. The non-classical systematics of preserving the integrity of cultural creation actualizes metaphysical principles, forms a system of adaptation to the communicative environment as a prediction of the future and at the same time the constitution of the desired past. The purpose of the article is to define the phenomenon of cultural genesis of modern performing art in music as a synthesis of genre and stylistic guidelines that acquire the meaning of performing paradigms of musical poetics. The research methodology is determined by comparative and systemic approaches, which helps to carry out a comparative analysis of the phenomenon of systemic integrity of performance in music. Scientific novelty of the article. Performing arts acquires syntheticism, which is carried out on the basis of the latest aesthetic dimensions of cultural creation. Interpreters of musical syntheses widely use the methods of structural linguistics, build semiotic models of musical symbolic systems. A complex system of synthetic types of various types of art is being formed, starting with sign language and ending with such phenomena as sampling, sonorics, aleatorics, etc. Therefore, the communicative space of culture and the communicative space of musical performance is interpreted as a text where the man-made component is actively involved, an extremely powerful complex of music related to instrumentalism is formed. Conclusions. Genre and stylistic syntheses open up new opportunities for culture-creating paradigms, which are connected with the use of natural artifacts in music. It is a genetic algorithm as a certain probing of nature’s laboratory. In the musical space there is a deep musical element, its cosmologism is revealed by transferring traditional intonation to the rank of artistic realities, which become the acquisition of the newest space of music making.


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How to Cite

Arefieva Є. Ю. (2024). PERFORMING MUSICAL ACTIVITY IN THE CONTEXT OF METAECOLOGICAL REFLECTION. Культурологічний альманах, (4), 299–305.

