myth, Ukrainian resistance movements, social mythology, national identity, heroic myth, artAbstract
The article analyses the role of Ukrainian resistance movements in the context of the ongoing Russian-Ukrainian conflict, from its inception in 2014 to the present day, and their impact on the formation of Ukrainian national identity. Common historical myths that unite people and unite the community are of great importance in the process of national identification. All important historical events and phenomena in national history are mythologized and become the basis for understanding the common past and present, as well as define the main points of collective memory. All significant historical events and phenomena in national history are mythologized and become the foundation for understanding the collective past and present, as well as defining the primary elements of collective memory. Those who oppose military aggression and express their national position in territories that are temporarily occupied face significant risks, including persecution, imprisonment, and even death. As a result, such actions are often viewed within the context of heroic actions and become part of a heroic narrative. The comprehension of the concepts related to crisis situations in human life, especially in times of war, requires a certain level of understanding. However, the rationalization of these concepts is known to be quite complex and traumatic. That is why people and social groups choose alternative ways to understand them. In particular, it can be symbolized through myth or art. An analysis of the artistic reflection of resistance in temporarily occupied territories (based on the materials of the exhibition “Unseen Power”) allows us to identify new mythological constructs and their acceptance or rejection by others. The new Ukrainian heroes who are acting/ have acted during the occupation are mostly nameless, appearing through their actions, which also gives them an air of mystery and contributes to their mythologization. They are opposed not only to the enemy, but also to the profane life of an ordinary person. Exaggerating the strength, courage, cunning, and other qualities of resistance members, elevating them above ordinary people, idealizing them, making them impossible to achieve and important. The community needs these new myths because the previous history of Ukrainians in many ways appears as a controversial one, raising more unresolved issues than unifying moments. Instead, the modern movement against a common enemy and its transformation into the emotional and irrational sphere of myth is precisely the factor that integrates people into a community, forms a new political nation, and defines the features of national identity.
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