fashion, contemporary fashion, mass culture, narcissistic culture, contemporary socio-cultural processesAbstract
The article is devoted to contemporary fashion as a reflection of narcissistic culture, given that fashion is a mirror of socio-cultural processes. The onslaught of narcissistic culture is unfolding before our eyes in contemporary space. Its carriers are not only becoming carriers of new patterns of behavior in society, but also demonstrate themselves in a special way in society. It is very important and expedient to trace these processes in the world of cultural environment transformation. Fashion always fulfills the social order of a particular society and reflects the expression of belonging to a particular group. Fashion trends and the details of these fashion trends speak about the values, ideals, tastes and common interests of the public. And it's not just about brands and certain styles of clothing, but primarily about cultural and ethical positions and beliefs. Modern people romanticize the world of reality, crave fame, and need to confirm their image by glamorizing their lives, as fashion stars do on social media. All these leading values of mass society are directly related to the narcissistic nature and structure of the personality. Fashion, which performs a social and demonstrative function, becomes a source of inspiration and dialogue in a kind of field of cultural narcissism. It reacts very sensitively to all socio-cultural changes and makes it clear to researchers that the age of mass culture is transforming into the age of narcissism with its own characteristic features. Also, we cannot ignore the peculiarities of narcissism culture because when we talk about fashion as a cultural phenomenon, we mean “modus vivendi”, a person's way of life, the way of existence and construction of their environment. The author tries to find out in this paper what cultural demands of the community today require a fashion for narcissism and what mechanisms of human defense against irritating factors of the present time are activated.
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