Ivan Franko Kyiv National Academic Drama Theater, theatrical culture, FrankovitesAbstract
The purpose of the article is to highlight the basic principles of the Ivan Franko Kyiv National Academic Drama Theater and to identify its influence on the formation of Ukrainian theatrical culture in the early twentieth century. The theater began its functioning in a difficult socio-political situation that significantly affected the course of cultural processes in Ukraine. The study highlights the prerequisites for the formation of Ukrainian theater, identifies the main problems of cultural institutions and artists at the beginning of the 20th century, which are related to the establishment of Soviet power and its oppression, censorship and control, from which the whole nation suffered. It is noted that the directions of activity and development of theatrical life were divided into two movements – those who preferred the forms of theater of “direct life correspondences” (according to Hnat Yura) and those who preferred “left” art, which established conventional forms on the stage (according to Les Kurbas). The article also pays attention to the main spectrums of development that influenced the popular recognition of the Ivan Franko Theater. Among them are repertoire policy, educational work, and the synthesis of the principles of the Theatre of Coryphaei and artistic stereotypes of the new time. An important part of the study is the characterization of the repertoire policy of the theater, which is covered in three main perspectives: polystylism, synthesis of traditions and innovations, and the direction of creativity towards realism. The main features that influenced the general theatrical culture of Ukraine in the early twentieth century are identified, including the tendency to realism and the factor of accessibility and comprehensibility for an ordinary viewer. Research methodology. The article uses a retrospective method, methods of analysis, selection, systematization and generalization. The scientific novelty of the article lies in the study of the activities and influence of the Ivan Franko Kyiv National Academic Drama Theater through the prism of historical retrospection, with an eye to the current assessment of aspects established in Soviet times. As a result of the study, the main activities of the Ivan Franko Kyiv National Academic Drama Theater were identified and the main criteria for its influence on the Ukrainian theatrical space of the early twentieth century were outlined.
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