propaganda, ideological control, censorship policy, Ukrholovlit, Kirovohrad obllitAbstract
The article outlines the role of printed publications in the propaganda activities of the Nazi occupation authorities. The process of restoring the system of Soviet political censorship bodies on Ukrainian lands after the German occupation is highlighted. Forms of interaction between the republican General Directorate for the Protection of State Secrets in the Press (Holovlit) and its regional branches are revealed. It has been found out that during the war, the allied and republican censorship bodies restructured their activities. It is emphasized that Ukrholovlit, taking into account the specifics of martial law, continued to perform its functions according to the instructions of the Central Committee of the CP(b)U. It is noted that at this stage the main task of censorship was the observance of state secret preservation in the press. During this period, 80% of employees in censorship bodies changed, most of whom went to the front. It is emphasized that the issue of providing the censorship bodies with qualified personnel became quite acute. It has been found out that after the liberation of Ukraine from the invaders, Nazi propaganda was again replaced by Soviet one. It was extremely important for the Soviet authorities to restore the work of Soviet censorship bodies on the territory of Ukraine as soon as possible. For the first time, the process of restoring the work of the Kirovohrad Office for the Protection of Military and State Secrets in the Press at the Regional Executive Committee (the Kirovohrad obllit) has been investigated based on the main archival documents. It has been proven that the Obllit actually started its work on December 18, 1943, in Oleksandriia, Kirovohrad region. The main problems that arose in the process of setting up its work are singled out. It has been found out that to resume the work of the Obllit, it was necessary to prepare the premises, ensure communication with the republican Holovlit, and provide staff with professional personnel. The personnel composition, as well as the material and technical support of the institution, is characterized. It has been revealed that the main problem remained the staffing of the censorship institution with qualified district commissioners and political editors. The process of restoring the publication of Soviet newspapers at the district and regional levels, which were supposed to become instruments of Soviet propaganda, is described.
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