


de-Ukrainization, Soviet education system, traditional social values, Ukrainian nation, intelligentsia, educators


This work is an attempt to identify the leading socio-political, cultural and educational trends in the history of the formation of Ukrainian society in the 1930s of the 20th century. Analyzing the features of de-Ukrainization at the end of the 20s of the 20th century, it is worth noting that the politicization of social life of the younger generation was of great importance. It was then that national Ukrainian traditions sank into oblivion. In addition, according to the concept of Soviet education, the family could not raise a full-fledged Soviet person, and only state structures were responsible for the “happy childhood” of the citizens of that time. And the search for enemies of the people at that time should be evaluated as a purposeful suppression of representatives of the national intelligentsia in the fields of culture, education, etc. The cosmic scale of this abnormal social phenomenon within the Union was devoid of specific geographical boundaries. The new communist holidays, which were held for schoolchildren, confidently distanced young Ukrainians from their national traditions. Abandoning the religion of their ancestors forced many villagers to significantly revise their life orientations and, if possible, to leave their native villages forever. The witnesses of starvation deaths in Ukrainian villages in 1932–1933 did not seek to be conscious successors of the agricultural traditions of their parents, the witnesses of the repressions of the Ukrainian national intelligentsia and clergy lived in fear, and now there were practically no people willing to carry Ukrainian national values into society. In 1938, active supporters of Stalin’s totalitarian regime issued a decree on the compulsory study of the Russian language, which deliberately put the Ukrainian language in a losing position for decades.


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How to Cite

Svynarenko Н. О., & Dobrunova Л. Е. (2023). UKRAINIAN SOVIET SOCIETY (IN THE 1930S OF 20TH CENTURY): LEADING SOCIO-POLITICAL, CULTURAL, EDUCATIONAL TRENDS. Культурологічний альманах, (1), 64–69.

