paradigm, education paradigm, approach, personalityAbstract
The article deals with the philosophical foundations of the modern paradigm of education. The main interpretations of the concepts of "paradigm" and "paradigm of education" by philosophers and educators are considered. It is determined that a paradigm is a set of scientific achievements, in particular theories, concepts, methods that have been developed and implemented in a particular field of research in a certain historical period of development. It is substantiated that modern education should be aimed at the development of personality of both individuals and humanity as a whole. It is noted that the modern educational paradigm is a certain standard which prescribes various concepts that are put into practice by scientists. It is found that the formation of the paradigm of modern education is influenced by the modern development of science and technology, based on the fact that education is subject to the modern requirements of society. The emphasis is placed on the spiritual, cultural, competent and humane personality, which, in combination with scientific and technological progress, will ensure the modern development of our country at the economic and European levels. We concluded that the combination of systemic, synergistic, cultural, axiological, anthropological, resource, personal and activity, humanistic, competence and student-centered approaches in the system of modern education will ensure the development and formation of a modern specialist who will be able to quickly and efficiently integrate into the European space. We believe that the combination of these approaches into a single concept of education will ensure: knowledge-intensive education; requirements for the education system should be common to all countries; education should ensure the formation of a personality with a new innovative type of thinking; after receiving professional education, a person should be able to creatively apply the acquired knowledge in professional activities and take full responsibility for the decision made; education should fully satisfy applicants; the modern paradigm of education should be humanistic and personalized.
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