ART PROJECT IN THE ACTIVITIES OF THE SOCIO-CULTURAL SPHERE MANAGER (on the example of an art project – setting a Ukrainian record)




project, record of Ukraine, art project, artistic and creative project, management technologies, management of the socio-cultural sphere, manager of the socio-cultural sphere


The theoretical and practical aspects of projecting in the activities of the manager of the socio-cultural sphere are analyzed using the example of setting a record in Ukraine. The artistic project, in addition to effective management, involves the use of methods and means of socio-cultural activities with the involvement of event management techniques, PR. The methodological basis of the study is the regional principle of knowledge, a systematic approach and management practice. General scientific and interdisciplinary research methods are used, in particular, modeling and sociocultural. The scientific novelty of this art project is that it differs from others in its artistic and creative activity; the socio-cultural space is characterized as an environment for the implementation of an artistic and creative project; the stages of creating an artistic project (setting a Ukrainian record) in the activities of a manager of the sociocultural sphere are summarized. The goal was determined, a description was made, the stages of setting the Record of Ukraine were systematized. The continuation of the project in cooperation with the National Library of Ukraine for children and the initiation of the All-Ukrainian relay of unity under the slogan "We are united by a towel-record holder" are analyzed. The goal of the relay was studied and a detailed description of the journey of the record runner through ten regional centers of Ukraine in the network of specialized libraries for children was made. Emphasis is placed on the features of the art project, the management of the art project, the specifics of the systemic form of regulation of organizational processes, the generalization of the components related to the establishment of a record of Ukraine, management, professional competencies of the manager of the field of culture and art, the technology of creating the project - setting the Record of Ukraine.


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How to Cite

Svyryd І. Є. (2023). ART PROJECT IN THE ACTIVITIES OF THE SOCIO-CULTURAL SPHERE MANAGER (on the example of an art project – setting a Ukrainian record). Культурологічний альманах, (1), 213–218.

