


children's choir, choral culture, conductor, Eleonora Vynogradova


The article reveals the role of the repertoire in the children's choir as an important component of choral performance, around which the educational and performance process is built. The experience of modern compilers of choral works for children is analyzed. An overview and meaningful content of the repertoire collections of the composers of the leading children's choirmaster of the second half of the 20th and the beginning of the 11th century, the artistic director of the boys' and young men's choir "Dzvinochok" (1966–1983), the children's choir "Lyubystok" (1983– 1986), the choir of boys and young men of Kyiv . specialized music school named after M. Lysenko (1986–1997), and "Kyiv Cantus" (1997–2003), professor, Honored Worker of Culture Eleonora Oleksiivna Vynogradova. An attempt to describe the methodology of selecting the repertoire and teaching the collections proved that the conductor was in constant creative search. It is emphasized that the work of famous composers, artistic communication between children's choirs, as well as active concert and public activities served as the basis for developing the repertoire for children of Eleonora Oleksiivna. It is also important that it took into account the approach to children's spiritual requests, thanks to which they are in a state of active knowledge of themselves and the world through active participation in choral co-creation. It was found out that the content of the music collections arranged by Eleonora Vynohradova had a certain desire to implement the task to the set goal and influence the formation of children's choral culture. The essential features of the repertory "politics" of the end of the 20th century have been determined. As a result of the research, it was found that the choice of repertoire (choral works to study) has always been an acute practical problem, which does not lose its relevance even now. This is explained by the socio-cultural situation: the presence of leading children's choral groups with a high level of performance skills, such as "Dzvinochok". An important role in the study and popularization of cultural heritage is emphasized. Because cultural traditions, accumulated in particular in the nation's handwritten and printed production, create a link between times and eras.


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How to Cite

Shcherbii С. (2023). PUBLISHING ACTIVITY OF THE CONDUCTOR ELEONORA VYNOHRADOVA. Культурологічний альманах, (1), 232–237.

