patricians, anthropological teaching, man, body, soul, unity with God, free will.Abstract
This scientific study is devoted to the examination of the philosophical and theological views of the Fathers of the Church regarding anthropological teachings, as well as their role in the formation of the Catholic teaching on man in the Middle Ages. Here, the works of patricians are considered, in particular, their views are interpreted in the context of today. This necessity is caused by the high scientific value of these studies for the development of the philosophy of Christianity and in the formation of Catholicism and Orthodoxy in general. The statement about the theological origin of the anthropological teaching of the Fathers of the Church in this study finds scientific justification, in particular on the basis of the Holy Scriptures, man appears as the highest value, because he is a creation in the image of God. The work examines the development of the doctrine of the origin of the soul, raises the question of the unity of soul and body, freedom of choice. The soul and body must be in a close relationship, which ensures a special place for a person in the world hierarchy, where he appears as a guide between the spiritual and the material. The two substances – soul and body – must be united, but not mixed. The issue of free will is analyzed, because according to the teachings of the patricians, it is an important human trait that expresses the possibility of choice. Will is God's gift, although it often precedes sin. In this case, salvation is grace – a special divine energy that directly acts on a person and is able to change his nature. The article also discusses an important topic that never loses its relevance – the vocation of man on earth. For the patristics, it was a special topic, because the goal of a person, as well as the value of his life, remain paramount at all times. The article represents the teachings of the Fathers of the Church about how a person's relationship with God affects his life and eternity. With the help of the analysis of the works of the patristic tradition, it is determined how the Catholic teaching about man was formed.
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