spiritual praxeology, Galicia, sacred places, religious identity, national identity, Ukrainian statehood, spiritual life.Abstract
The relevance of the article is determined by the specificity of the influence of spiritual life on the formation of statehood and national identity, which is an important factor not only of faith, but also of culture, worldview, etc. It is the Galician spiritual heritage that needs deep research, because it was thanks to the Galician Metropolis that it was possible to preserve the cultural identity of Ukrainian Catholicism and Orthodoxy. The purpose of the article is to determine the role of the Galician metropolis in the spiritual worldview, value orientations and how they reflect and transform the sacred space of the transcendent. The novelty of the article is determined by the fact that, for the first time, monastic complexes and national features of the sacred heritage of Galicia, their influence on the value and moral potential and anthropological features of the formation of religious objectification of the Western region of Ukraine were deeply researched. Today, when Ukraine is facing new challenges of the religious, philosophical, political, and economic dimension, it is very important to show the role of valuable, sacralized, transcendent factors in the formation of national sakrumy through the study of the problems of spiritual heritage. It was found that they have not only an original, unique cultural content and form, but also their own spiritual territory, where they affirm and reveal the traditional values of the metaphysics of culture. where a person correlates himself with fundamental spiritual values, the Absolute, with higher meanings, national shrines. By the 1125th anniversary of the founding of the city of Halycha, the article analyzes the Galician spiritual identity and spiritual heritage, as well as collects the most important sources and scientific studies about the princely capital of Halychyna, which was and is the center of the religious and cultural life of Halychyna.
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