defense-industrial complex, reforms, weapons, Armed Forces of Ukraine, economy.Abstract
The article analyzes the main directions of activity of the defense-industrial complex of Ukraine after the restoration of independence in 1991. It was found that after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the formation of the defenseindustrial complex of Ukraine was influenced by a number of factors, among which one can single out the change in the methods of management of the defense industry, the transition from planned principles of economic management to market ones, an ineffective regulatory and legal framework, a reduction in the production of products, etc. related to strategic armaments, breaking of closed production cycles, financial indebtedness of enterprises that fulfilled the state defense order to extrabudgetary funds and local budgets. In particular, the reasons for the unsuccessful conversion of the defense industry, which consisted in the reorientation of the activities of defense enterprises and research institutes to the production of civilian products, are considered. It was noted that one of the main mistakes in the restructuring of the defense industry through conversion was an underestimation of the complexity of this measure. At the same time, the peculiarities of the export activity of defense enterprises under conditions of deterioration of the financial and economic condition of the defense industry as a whole are outlined. The factors that significantly inhibited the development of export activity were singled out. It has been proven that the national export control system of Ukraine, at that time, did not have effective legal acts and mechanisms for regulating the export of goods of potential military use, technologies and dual use. Only in 1997–1998 was the appropriate regulatory framework laid. It is emphasized that in the history of independent Ukraine there were several attempts to create an effective system of managing the defense-industrial complex through the creation of the State Committee of Ukraine for Defense Industry and Machine-Building, and later the Ministry of Machine-Building, Military-Industrial Complex and Conversion.
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