


film, psychology of film, film ethics, influence of film, creator’s responsibility.


This article presents the subject of potential consequences arising from the impact of film on the viewer. The authors attempt to portray the negative effects caused by the exposure to a specific type of cinema. On one hand, the significance of films in perpetuating socially harmful stereotypes is observed, such as perceptions of mental illnesses or the portrayal of women and men (in socially attributed roles or expectations). On the other hand, a range of adverse effects stemming from early exposure to television and other audio-visual materials is emphasized. While contemplating the influence of cinema, this article also describes what inappropriate film content entails and how young audiences mimic the behaviour of film characters. In subsequent parts of the text, the reader will become acquainted with a new concept of cinema which triggers negative cognitive and emotional experiences. The article concludes with subsections discussing the responsibility of film creators in producing works that could have a negative impact on viewers. The authors address the topic of creative and ethical boundaries of film production, mentioning several considerations in creating audio-visual works in this context. The aim of the article is to emphasize that despite associating films with positive aspects such as entertainment, relaxation, or a form of art, they can also have a negative influence on the viewer. The need for empirical research regarding the consequences of watching films on diverse audiences is emphasized. Film, without responsible and conscious approaches from recipients (consumers), can become a dangerous tool. As it is well-known, the film industry remains an extremely profitable branch of commercial activity. This might lead some creators to abuse their power by testing the moral boundaries of their audiences.


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How to Cite

Bandarzewska, W., Burek, P., & Gliszczyńska, S. (2023). CULTURAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF CINEMATOGRAPHY – NEGATIVE EFFECTS OF FILM. Культурологічний альманах, (2), 210–218.

