public ideal, cultural measure, national idea, socio-cultural space.Abstract
The article traces the development of the discussion and cultural and philosophical understanding of the phenomenon of «public ideal» in the ukrainian humanitarian discourse of the early ХХ century. Some aspects of the vision and understanding of the phenomenon of the public national ideal by leading Ukrainian figures of the early ХХ century are considered, and the peculiarities of the reasoned discourse within the Ukrainian humanities of the early ХХ century on this phenomenon are analyzed. The general trends in the cultural and philosophical comprehension of the phenomenon of «public ideal» as a national idea by Ukrainian cultural and political figures of the early ХХ century are established. It is emphasized that the cultural and philosophical vision and dimensions of the so public ideal as a national idea were not the only and main vectors of the development of humanitarian thought due to the advocacy of various basic factors, as well as internal and external influences by cultural figures, and therefore actions were narrowed to cultural and educational public practices. The author emphasizes the relevance of the search for cultural measures of the phenomenon of the public ideal of Ukraine in the ХХ century – early ХХІ century in connection with Ukrainian universalism, the need to comprehend the fundamental importance and influence of the public ideal on its socio-cultural space. The method of formal analysis of texts and scientific researches of cultural and historical figures of Ukraine of the early ХХ century was used, and the conclusions drawn from it gave grounds to point out the importance of conceptualizing the national goal of development of Ukrainian society, its implantation in the praxis and manifestation in the public cultural interaction of the subjects of the socio-cultural space of Ukraine of the early ХХІ century. The author proves the necessity of defining the cultural content-forming components of the phenomenon of the public ideal as a basis for the formation of a new concept of humanism, comprehension of a fundamentally new system of cultural and spiritual values of Ukrainian society.
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