
  • Oksana Gosteva




culture, determinism, cultural determinism, technological determinism, factors of cultural determinism, values, traditions, customs, symbols, archetypes.


The article examines the evolution of the theory of cultural determinism and its determining factors. On the basis of theoretical analysis, the concept of determinism is revealed, which, when applied to scientific research, takes the form of a basic, original principle. It is established that the doctrine of cultural determinism has found wide distribution in scientific research, having passed through certain stages. The article examines the evolution of the concept of determinism from ancient times to its modern interpretation. The modern vision of cultural determinism has absorbed all previous teachings, generalizing them. The research emphasizes that it is the philosophical doctrine of determinism that continues to play an important role in cultural studies. «Cultural determinism» is outlined and the main stages of its formation in cultural studies are presented. The interpretation of cultural determinism is characterized by an expansive interpretation of the concept of culture, which means that culture is described as a factor that determines all others. It is noted that the school of cultural anthropology had a significant influence on the formation of cultural determinism in scientific research. The article analyzes the ideas of scientific views about the determining factors of cultural determinism. It has been established that values (including religious ones), traditions, customs, symbols, archetypes are significant factors of cultural determinism. It was concluded that «cultural determinism» means the transformation of new types and methods of human activity (innovations) into social norms and models that ensure their institutionalization, integration and consolidation in the culture of society.


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How to Cite

Gosteva О. В. (2023). “CULTURAL DETERMINISM”: EVOLUTION OF THEORY AND DETERMINING FACTORS. Культурологічний альманах, (2), 232–238. https://doi.org/10.31392/cult.alm.2023.2.32

