detective, detective plot laws, detective genre, personality development.Abstract
The article examines the influence of detective novels on personal development and establishes the connection between reading the detective genre and the features of personality development. The study defines the term “detective”, as well as outlines the peculiarities of the origin and characteristic features of this genre of literature. The article also explains in detail the uniqueness of the genre, including typical plot elements, structure and character characteristics. The main laws of detective stories are analyzed, such as the law of parking, the law of waiting, the law of libraries and their impact on the reader. It shows how these laws are used in detective fiction to create tension, increase intrigue, and provide uncertainty. The study analyzed various techniques used in detective fiction, such as mystery solving, logical thinking, deduction and evidence analysis. The impact of these methods on critical thinking, logical thinking and development of readers’ imagination was studied. In addition, the influence of the detective genre on the development of human cognitive functions, such as perception and processing of information, attention and concentration, verbal memory and speech, was investigated within the framework of intelligence work. Analysis showed that reading detective stories increases creativity, develops critical thinking and improves social intelligence. The study also examined the impact of detective novels on readers’ mental health. Thus, the study confirmed that detective stories have a positive effect on personality development, promote the development of various cognitive processes, and improve readers’ mental health. The detective genre is studied from the point of view of comparing British and Ukrainian cultural traditions. Considerable attention is paid to the study of the influence of the detective genre on the reader’s thinking. In particular, it was investigated which elements of the detective genre have a positive effect on the psyche of readers, such as interesting plots, unexpected events, riddles and puzzles, and which elements have a negative effect, such as violence, bullying and cruelty. The results of this study can be useful for writers, because they help to better understand the attitude of people to the detective genre and the prerequisites that the readership will perceive the work positively. In addition, the study will help readers to better select literature for personal reading, in particular, the article provides advice on how to get the most out of reading detective stories and who should refrain from literature of this type.
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