



dance culture, cultural anthropology, cross-cultural approach, choreology, frontier.


The purpose of the article is to analyze methodological approaches in the study of the dance culture of the border regions. The research methodology is based on the general principles of the cultural and anthropological approach; the methods of categorical analysis, comparison, systematization, and generalization were used. Research results. Using a comparative analysis of different cultures, we can see certain patterns in the development of society and an individual. But in order for the data to be reliable and scientifically based, such a state can be achieved only if the compared cultures have as many points of intersection as possible: similar or common historical development, ecological and geographical conditions, etc. Only under such conditions, a full scientific approach to the most essential component of the problem, which concerns similar and different characteristics, is possible. One of these definitions is «frontier» – a territory where people from different cultures and nationalities meet, communicate, and interact. We consider the synthesis of cross-cultural and choreologic approaches to be appropriate for researching the dance culture of border regions. Scientific novelty. The expediency of the synthesis of cross-cultural and choreological approaches in the study of the dance culture of the border regions is substantiated for the first time; the peculiarities and differences of cross-cultural and intercultural research of dance culture are clarified. Conclusions. The crosscultural approach, which stood out from the more general cultural-anthropological and comparative approaches, allows for the analysis of cultural-historical factors in the formation of dance culture, the form, nature and intensity of cross-cultural interactions, helps to consider dance practices in the context of cultural features of ethnic groups, cultural regions and social communities. In order to understand how the morphology of dance is transformed because of cultural interactions, in our opinion, it is advisable to combine the cross-cultural approach with the choreological approach. Such a synthesis makes it possible comprehensively and complexy compare dance traditions, identify common and distinctive features in their development, study relationships and mutual influences, and analyze the specifics of the dance language, and it is most expedient to use for the study of traditional dance culture abroad in the space of «intersection of cultures», which was done on the example of the archaic round dance «A my proso sialy, siyaly» («And we sowed millet, we sowed»). The next step in our research will be a comprehensive study of other examples of Ukrainian regional dance culture, including dances of foreign origin, where it will be possible to trace not only the regional specificity of authentic dances, but also the peculiarities of intercultural interactions.


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How to Cite

Tsapiak М. Й. (2023). МЕТОДОЛОГІЧНІ ПІДХОДИ В ДОСЛІДЖЕННІ ТАНЦЮВАЛЬНОЇ КУЛЬТУРИ ПОГРАНИЧНИХ РЕГІОНІВ (НА ПРИКЛАДІ ХОРОВОДУ «ОЙ МИ ПРОСО СІЯЛИ-СІЯЛИ»). Культурологічний альманах, (2), 313–320. https://doi.org/10.31392/cult.alm.2023.2.42

