



festivals, popular culture, folklore, cultural traditions, cultural values.


Article deals with festival movement in its historical aspect. Mechanisms of folk and mass culture intercultural dialogue in modern socio-cultural sphere are given. The specifics of festival movement during the Russian-Ukrainian war are highlighted. Today, festival culture occupies a special place in the modern cultural and communication space. Contributing to the development of national spiritual culture, festivals popularize the country's artistic heritage in the context of demonstrating the cultural and artistic achievements of their participants, presenting unique creative assets. Currently, it is extremely important for Ukraine not only to preserve national culture, art and heritage, but also to tell the truth about Ukraine and the war on our land to the whole world. One of such effective cultural tools, which allows someone to fulfill the tasks, is festival movement in Ukraine, which has undergone significant changes, reorienting itself to support the morale of people and the support of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.


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How to Cite

Yasyuk Т. Л. (2023). FESTIVAL MOVEMENT IN UKRAINЕ: GENESIS AND MODERNITY. Культурологічний альманах, (2), 326–331. https://doi.org/10.31392/cult.alm.2023.2.44

