


Volyn Pribuzhya, icon painting, restoration, icon, church, monument, protection of cultural heritage


The article reflects modern scientific studies of the icons of temples in the Volyn Pribuzhya. The importance of carrying out expeditions with the aim of identifying icons in need of restoration was noted, because in the west of Ukraine, many examples of Ukrainian icon painting of the 17th–20th centuries have been preserved in churches. Some of them are placed in attics, sacristy or separate annexes, where there are no suitable microclimatic storage conditions, which leads to partial, and later, complete loss. Other icons are located in the interiors of churches, which are used during religious services, but they also require special care. The majority of scientific studies of samples of Ukrainian icon painting are mainly limited to the images stored in museum collections, on the other hand, those found in churches are practically not reflected in scientific works. Therefore, the article points out the importance of a detailed examination of the temple, X-ray examination of boards and canvases, analysis of archival funds, eyewitness accounts, disclosure of hidden images by the restorer, etc. The results of the study of specific sacred monuments are described, their comparison in terms of artistic style, the history of creation, renewal and preservation through the prism of archival information, etc. is determined. The examples of the study of the iconography of the Volyn Pribuzhya presented in the article can serve as an additional source of information for other regions in which the process of studying Ukrainian sacred heritage is carried out. Based on the facts of the analysis of the Volyn icon painting, the importance of the study of historical regionalism and local history through the prism of the history of Ukraine is also demonstrated. The illustrated material confirms the results of research and restoration work, which were carried out at the current stage of the study of the iconography of the Volyn Pribuzhya. The restoration activity in the region is revealed and the carefulness of the combination of joint activities of experts from related branches of historical science is emphasized. This makes it possible to comprehensively reveal the process of historical research of sacred monuments, to determine their significance for the region and Ukraine as a whole. Specialists from certain narrow historical disciplines help to find out many nuances that widely complement scientific research or contribute to its filling, as well as enrich the museum and exhibition fund of the region.


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How to Cite

Velinets Ю. І., & Pohribnyi А. О. (2023). MODERN SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH AND RESTORATION OF ICONS OF THE VOLYN PRIBUZHYA. Культурологічний альманах, (3), 31–39.

