historiography, Kyiv diocese, education, early modern times, priestAbstract
The aim of the work. To analyze the main works of modern Ukrainian scientists devoted to the study of the education of the parish clergy of the Kyiv diocese of the 18th century. The results. The article examines the process of forming a historiographical stereotype about the mass of schools and the high level of literacy among the parish clergy of the Getmanate of the 18th century. The latest research on the education of priests in the Kyiv diocese is considered. The impact of modern methodologies on the development of this problem is studied. The main discursive points regarding educational issues among priests are traced. Conclusions. It was established that a significant number of scientists continue to support the opinion about the high level of education of priests and their decisive role in the spread of literacy among the population. This is reflected in educational and popular scientific literature, mainly from the history of pedagogy. At the same time, historians who use the latest methodology are skeptical of this thesis. They prove that more than half of the priests in the 18th century they did not have the appropriate education and were only elementary literate. The results of their research make it possible to doubt the validity of the judgment about pastors as drivers of school education in early modern Ukraine. The question of the effectiveness of state educational initiatives among parish priests remains open.
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