



functions of religion, social responsibility, values, religious consciousness, culture, pastoral care, humanitarian security


The author of the article analyzes the complex of problems of religious studies, which are often concerning to the philosophy and psychology of religion – the social functions of religion in the aspect of their influence transformation in contemporary Ukraine. At the same time, there is an investigation into the peculiarities of religious consciousness and the mechanisms of the religious values postulation. Practical aspects of these components of religion can be observed in the sphere of social activity and social diversity. To address this issue, the author has chosen a specific lens: the comprehension of the the war situation. The author considers social and psychoemotional grounds, which are the characteristic of the existence of religion in the Ukrainian society in the minds of the current Russian-Ukrainian war. And it is reflected the dynamics of religious processes, connecting with social reality. In the focus of attention there are primarily therapeutic and culture-forming functions. But also the integrative-disintegrative and world-view functions are interpreted. It is outlined the main functions of religion current influence on the aspects of national, cultural and political self-confidence and choice. The author tries to understand social diversity and humanitarian security and the place of the religious fold in them. The conclusion of article is about special value of religious enlightenment (and not just in the academic space) – with the awakening current social processes in Ukraine and with the horizon of the postwar reconstruction.


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How to Cite

Horokholinska І. В. (2023). “VISUALIZATION” OF THE SOCIAL FUNCTIONS OF RELIGION THROUGH THE OPTICS OF WAR. Культурологічний альманах, (3), 106–111. https://doi.org/10.31392/cult.alm.2023.3.14