


соціальна ідентичність, моделі ідентичності, цінності, соціокультурні моделі ідентичності


The article offers the author's analysis of the concept of identity. Attention is focused on the role of identity in the constitution of a person and community. Its role in the formation of social meanings of pre-modern and modern times, ensuring individual and collective development is substantiated. The evolution of identity is traced from the theoretical justifications of the past to the understanding of modern problems related to the functioning of the individual and the community within the existing social order. Updated social criticism of the concept of identity and its conceptualization in the process of social transformations of the 20–21 centuries. It is noted that the affirmation of identity as a basic concept of social and individual self-determination became possible on the basis of powerful socio-philosophical and theoretical prerequisites. The analysis centers around the theoretical connection of identity with dimensions of social emancipation, the concept of trust, social capital, cultural and moral factors of community and human development. The problematic issues of identity in the modern world are outlined. The social logic of the development of this social institution is subject to analysis, which at the present stage leads to the aggravation of conflicts between value-opposed communities: 1) aimed at dimensions of social freedom and social autonomy; 2) oriented at imperial and dynastic interests. An important place is given to clarifying the value dimensions of identity, which are an important constant in the modern evolution of Ukraine as a part of the European community. The constructivist and historical principles of identity are substantiated. Functional and moral-normative dimensions of identity models are noted. Emphasis is placed on the need to combine rational and historical-symbolic dimensions of identity as a necessary social basis for changes in post-colonial and post-communist countries. The research confirms that complex social changes are possible only through the conscious use of the identity factor as a driver of social activity by representatives of the social elite and broad social groups. It is noted that through common rational behavior and powerful mechanisms of its support within the limits of social imagination, a model of effective social development can be formed, in which conditions are created for the functioning of European identity models.


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How to Cite

Zaitseva І. С. (2023). IDENTITY SUBSTANTIATION: THEORETICAL AND VALUE DIMENSIONS. Культурологічний альманах, (3), 138–146.