


metacultural attitude, transhumanism, technology, values of transhumanism, posthuman


The article is devoted to the study of the concept of metacultural attitude of transhumanism. The author considers transhumanism not just as a scientific vision of future technological progress, but as a complex metacultural attitude that affects the understanding of the essence of human nature and its future. The issues of the content of the concept of metacultural attitude of transhumanism are considered in the context of a broad philosophical tradition, along with the analysis of the works of philosophers who have studied the purpose and problems of technological evolution for humans, such as M. Heidegger, M. More, N. Bostrom, F. Fukuyama. The article contains a discussion of transhumanism as a metacultural attitude that allows us to see it not just as a technological and cultural trend, but as a multifaceted philosophical system that affects all spheres of modern life. The analysis of the philosophical movement of transhumanism as a metacultural attitude is important for formulating a strategy for the implementation of technological innovations, considering potential risks and challenges. The central aspects of the article are to highlight the main features of the metacultural attitude of transhumanism, such as belief in constant scientific and technological progress, an individual path of personal improvement, comprehension of the ethical aspects of modifying the body and mind using the latest technologies and addressing the problem of inclusiveness and accessibility of these technologies for all people. In conclusion, the author notes that the metacultural attitude of transhumanism implies a deep and responsible analysis of transhumanist ideas that affect various aspects of life – from technology and science to ethics, human rights, ecology, and social equality.


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How to Cite

Kiselova Т. В. (2023). BEYOND HUMANITY: THE METACULTURAL ATTITUDE OF TRANSHUMANISM. Культурологічний альманах, (3), 147–152.