


pedagogical idea, pansophy, pansophical education, enlightenment, providentialism, philosophical and educational project


The article reveals the heuristic potential and methodological significance of the idea of pansophiism as a universal philosophical and educational project of Y. A. Comensky. An updated modern interpretation of the idea of pansophism embedded in the European pedagogical tradition, where the successful mastering of the basics of science is associated with encyclopedism based on the priority of universal values. The research of the Ukrainian Slavologist D. Chyzhevskyi and the Czech scientist Ya. Patochka was analyzed, who emphasized the revealed tendencies of the Baroque and Renaissance eras in the formation of Pansophic ideas, which were closely intertwined in the “Pansophia” of the Czech teacher and presented him as an outstanding Slavic philosopher. The researches of modern Ukrainian scientists on the pedagogical problems raised by the outstanding stonemason, as well as the connection of pansophy with the problems of modern education, are considered. The content of pansophical education is defined as a new paradigm that unites various disciplines into a holistic education system. Because, laying the foundations of the Enlightenment philosophy, developing the ideas of humanism of the Renaissance, the outstanding teacher insisted on the universal nature of pansophical education aimed at the comprehensive development of the personality, its attainment of wisdom, as an awareness of the meaning of one’s existence and self-determination in life. It is concluded that the providentialism of the great Czech educator is that the universality of pansophical education merges the consciousness and behavior of those who study into a single European mental field of rational thinking. 3The significance of the idea of pansophy and the system of three-level knowledge in the course of European integration processes of modern Ukrainian pedagogical science and practice is emphasized.


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How to Cite

Lazurina Н. П., & Ostrovska-Bugaichuk І. М. (2023). THE IDEA PANSOFII AS A PHILOSOPHICAL AND EDUCATIONAL PROJECT JAN AMOS KOMENSKY. Культурологічний альманах, (3), 175–183.