information, industrial society, post-industrial society, information society, knowledge societyAbstract
The article analyzes the basic philosophical and methodological approaches to the phenomenon of information, based on three perspectives of its understanding: information as a measure and value is considered in the context of substantivist, materialist and functionalist natural and socio-philosophical theories; information as a synthetic phenomenon of measure and value – in theories of synergy; information as a determinant of social progress and stages of historical development – in the context of post-industrial theories. It is shown that the study of information and its development as an objective trend in the evolution of society makes it possible to consider it in the system of informational and cultural relationships and processes in society. In particular, attention is focused on the theoretical visions of post-industrialists about information as the basis of production processes and new methods of its processing, about the growth of the role of scientific and theoretical knowledge in society. Modern trends in understanding the phenomenon of information in the context of social development, which are currently actively developing, are the concept of information society with its ideas about the production of necessary information and the concept of knowledge-based society with the idea of knowledge as the most valuable form of information. The normative function of information in the knowledge society, its sociogenic, culturogenic and epistemological potential is substantiated.
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