publicism, network publicism, blog, blogging, social networks, communication, InternetAbstract
In the proposed article, an attempt is made to consider the phenomenon of network publicism in the socio-cultural context of the concept's functioning. The main spheres of publicism are: publicism as a field of literature (artistic publicism); publicism as a field of philosophy, religion and science (worldview publicism); publicism as a field of publicism. Network publicism is a new term, no less difficult to define than publicism itself. In the context of the development of network publicism, blogs that synthesize features of traditional journalistic genres (essay, essay, article, note, travel notes, memoirs and diaries, etc.) and multimedia (text/hypertext, audio, video, photo) have gained great popularity as forms of existence of information. There was even a separate type of activity (on the border between creativity, art and business), actually a profession – blogger/blogging. Social networks have become the main platform for the functioning of online multimedia publicism. There are several main types of blogs in social networks and on various Internet resources: text blog, video blog, photo blog, audio blog (podcast). Pages and sites of professional and authoritative media often become platforms for blogs. Among the contributors to such well-known Internet resources are mostly professional journalists and publicists, columnists, literary critics and well-known public figures, well-known professionals in the field (psychologists, doctors, military, educators, actors, writers, musicians). All these types of blogging can be interpreted as genres of network multimedia publicism, because the main goal of the authors of video blogs, text blogs, and podcasts is the same as that of traditional journalistic genres – not only to inform the viewer/reader/listener about urgent social problems, but also to effectively emotionally and intellectually influence a mass audience, forming/transforming public opinion on a certain issue.
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