everyday life, leisure, free time, people-oriented approachAbstract
The article examines the main characteristics of everyday life, taking into account the methodological positions of the human-oriented approach, which is based on the analysis of its relationship with other socio-cultural phenomena – leisure and free time. It is emphasized that the study of everyday life is at the forefront of scientific interest not least due to the fact that its study can be based on a human-oriented analysis of social and cultural realities of social life, when the elements of everyday life begin to be analyzed from the position of the articulation of intra-personal socio-cultural meanings. However, despite the significant interest in the issues of everyday life and related socio-cultural phenomena, the emphasis of attention on the possibilities of a human-oriented approach to their research remains an urgent issue. It was concluded that everyday life, free time, and leisure are closely related phenomena, as well as most of the material and spiritual attributes of life, which demonstrate the unity of the material and the ideal, the fictional and the real. Like any socio-cultural phenomena, they are usually investigated in the context of the whole reality, which is based on culturalcivilizational, social, national-spiritual and personal-sensual meanings. Within the framework of an anthropocentric research paradigm, attention is focused on their new meaningful and meaningful content and qualities that affect not only the characteristics of a person, focused on expanding the boundaries of his intercultural competence and motivation, but also on the level of his everyday life and the subjective feeling of satisfaction with it.
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