


globalization, Information Technology, culture, media, transnational media, Faculty of Culture and Arts


The purpose of the work is to reveal transnational media and globalization in the aspect of interrelationship of cultures and information technologies. At the same time, it should be noted that the influence of transnational media is due primarily to the fact that such media reveal global topics that concern universal problems. In addition, they operate in different countries and are aimed at a foreign audience, which significantly increases their influence on society. The purpose of the research is due to the fact that today transnational media have a rather significant influence on culture, which is due to globalization processes. At the same time, to reflect the issue of transnational media communication, the web portal of the Faculty of Culture and Arts of Kherson State University was investigated. In particular, the use of the web portal allows the faculty to effectively and quickly disseminate news related to the life of the educational institution and culture and art in general. Research methodology consists in the application of such methods as descriptive, analysis and synthesis, comparison, generalization, forecasting. The use of these methods helps to reflect the connection between media, culture, and globalization. The descriptive method is used to reflect the essence of the concept of "transnational media". The method of analysis and synthesis was used to highlight scientific works on the research topic. The method of comparison is used to compare the main directions of using transnational media and their influence on culture. The method of generalization is used to summarize. The forecasting method made it possible to determine further aspects of the development of transnational media and their impact on culture, globalization, and information technologies. The scientific novelty is that the Faculty of Culture and Arts of Kherson State University was investigated for the first time as an aspect of media influence on culture. Transnational media is a powerful tool for influencing culture and globalization. Using the example of the Faculty of Culture and Arts of Kherson State University, it was determined that modern institutions of higher education actively use social media platforms to promote educational services and form new approaches to culture.


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How to Cite

Kuznetsov С. В., Levchenko М. Г., & Forostian А. Ф. (2023). TRANSNATIONAL MEDIA AND GLOBALIZATION: INTERCONNECTION OF CULTURES AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES. Культурологічний альманах, (3), 279–283.

