


screen culture, Information Technology, emotional impact, impression, viewer, image, perception


The pervasive use of screens in modern culture has fundamentally changed the way people interact with media and technology, leading to concerns about the potential emotional impact on viewers. While screens have revolutionized entertainment and communication, they have also been linked to increased levels of stress, anxiety and other negative emotional states. This article examines the emotional impact of modern screen culture on viewers and finds possible solutions to mitigate the negative consequences. The research topic is extremely relevant in the modern world. Because we live in a time when the volume of content is constantly increasing. Today, users have access to a huge number of movies, series, video games and other multimedia products. This makes screen culture an integral part of many people's lives. This, in turn, creates a need to study the psychological impact of screen culture on the psychology and emotional state of the viewer and points to the importance of research in this area. Observations show that content can evoke a variety of emotions, including joy, fear, sadness, and even aggression. Research on the impact on behavior and society is also needed: Screen culture can also influence the behavior and thoughts of viewers, including their views on social issues, stereotypes and cultural values. Technological progress is important, with the development of technologies, screen culture becomes more immersive and accessible, which makes its impact on the viewer even more significant. Scientific studies of recent years show that screen culture has a significant impact on the viewer. According to a study published in the journal “Preventive Medicine Reports” by the author V. K. Campbell (7), adolescents who spend more than 5 hours on screen activities daily have a higher risk of depression and other mental illnesses compared to those who spend less time for these actions. However, screen culture can also have a positive effect on viewers. For example, research by scientists Hande Sung, Guido M. van Koningsbrugggen, and Thilo Hartmann showed that watching movies or TV shows can increase the level of empathy in viewers (8). In addition, studies have shown that watching television programs can improve mood and reduce stress levels in viewers (9). So, modern screen culture has both positive and negative effects on viewers. To reduce the negative effects of screen viewing, it is necessary to take regular breaks from the screen, control the amount of time spent in front of the screen, and pay attention to the content of the screen. To study the peculiarities of the elements of screen culture and their influence on the formation of the emotional state of the audience. The research is aimed at establishing a connection between the characteristics of screen culture and the audience's reaction to it. The goal is also to determine the possibilities of using screen culture as a means of influencing the emotional state of viewers and changing their beliefs and behavior.


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How to Cite

Slyvka І. В. (2023). MODERN SCREEN CULTURE AND ITS EMOTIONAL IMPACT ON THE VIEWER. Культурологічний альманах, (3), 330–339.

