Metropolitan Epifaniy, open Orthodoxy, Orthodox anthropology, Orthodox ecclesiology, faith, love, divine creationAbstract
The article analyzes the theology of the Primate of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine, Metropolitan Epifaniy, in the context of the principles of "open Orthodoxy". The study is based on the theological writings and sermons of Metropolitan Epifaniy and reveals the uniqueness of his method, which combines a theoretical approach with practical experience, emphasizing moral theology. The author shows the development of Orthodox anthropology and ecclesiology within the framework of Orthodox moderate conservatism, which is expressed in a combination of ideas inherent in such areas as neo-patristics and the concept of "open Orthodoxy". Within the framework of Orthodox anthropology, the idea of man is complemented by the features necessary in the modern pluralistic world: tolerance, freedom, which is his greatest value, openness with the preservation and enhancement of his own religious tradition. In the issues of Orthodox ecclesiology, the author affirms the idea of the mission of the Church in its openness to the cultural and spiritual heritage of other cultures and religions, the ability to conduct a dialogue with an awareness of differences in dogmas and the preservation of the Truth. It is shown that the development of Orthodox anthropology and ecclesiology is more practical than theoretical and is aimed at establishing a part of the Body of the Church that, taking into account its rich previous spiritual experience, honoring all its achievements, through its saints glorified before God, will be organic to Universal Orthodoxy. At the same time, it is hoped that the Ukrainian Church will enrich it by developing the talents God has given its people, by manifesting the inherent traits of the Ukrainian people – love for God, love for the Motherland, respect for nature, and a sincere attitude toward other peoples and cultures; and at the same time by multiplying its own tradition with the goodness and beauty of the modern Christian world.
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