


archaeology, thanatology, catabasis, sacrifice, Scythians, nomads, epic, Narts, iconology, symbolism, afterlife, power


This work examines the dense connection between Scythian art in the Black Sea region (and beyond) with the heroic epic of the Narts, the Ossetian people of the Northern Caucasus. Frequently, scholars confine themselves to comparative studies of Scythian iconology with ancient historiography or at most, with Persian (Avestan) heritage. However, the author of this article primarily emphasizes the Scythian iconography in epic rather than in the "pantheon mythology." Epic consciousness tends to deviate from cyclicality and etiology in favor of the feats of the heroic ancestors. The Ossetian "Nart Saga" demonstrates the vast array of potential characters. The focal point of this work revolves around the hero's journey to the Land of the Dead. The corresponding legend of the Nart Soslan's catabasis is compared with well-known compositions on Scythian artifacts. Parallel observations are made, and remarks are presented against prevalent outdated concepts, among other things.


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How to Cite

Korol Д. О. (2023). SCYTHIAN EPICS AND CATABASIS: ISSUES OF ICONOLOGIZATION. Культурологічний альманах, (4), 75–81.

