


morphological freedom, transhumanism, human, future, technology


The article undertakes a systematic analysis of the discourse related to morphological freedom, locating and justifying its place in the philosophy of transhumanism. As part of the literature review, the main postulates of transhumanism are reconstructed and arranged, focusing on their implications for the human being. Due to the heterogeneity of the defining and understanding of transhumanism, the sub-aspects of transhumanism have been categorised, along with their placement in specific timeframes and ideological currents. At the same time, further possibilities for human evolution are presented, as well as the consequent directions for the transformation of social structure, lifestyles and actions. It is pointed out that morphological freedom is an important factor constituting the assumptions concerning the transgression of human biological and cultural boundaries by means of technology (including, in particular, artificial intelligence). In response to the multiplicity of understandings of morphological freedom, the author's own definition of morphological freedom is introduced, while presenting a critical view of the available and distinguishing the concept of morphological freedom from eugenics. The analyses were complemented with ethical and moral considerations by presenting the concept of the limitations of morphological freedom and the actual as well as potential impact on individual and collective life. In order to create a coherent and multifaceted picture of the realisation and legitimacy of the use of morphological freedom, the focus is on showing its current dimension and the extent of its presence in everyday human life through, among other things, the modification of the body for aesthetic purposes, artistic expression or the expression of identity. The author also provides an overview of the opportunities and dangers of exercising morphological freedom, enriching the discourse with new perspectives and contexts.


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How to Cite

Mider Д., & Napora П. (2023). MORPHOLOGICAL FREEDOM IN THE PHILOSOPHY OF TRANSHUMANISM: DILEMMAS. Культурологічний альманах, (4), 105–113.