aggression, virtual reality, social network, “disinhibition” phenomenon, cyber-aggression, information and communication processesAbstract
The article analyzes the phenomenon of aggression and the peculiarities of its manifestation in social networks. It is emphasized that the study of the phenomenon of aggression arouses significant scientific interest, which is embodied in the development of theoretical concepts and scientific hypotheses designed to understand at the scientific level the causes and prerequisites of the occurrence of aggression in humans, to investigate the factors contributing to its manifestations. It was determined that social networks are an integral part of the life of society in the modern world. Given the rapid development of digital technologies, it is hypothesized that in the future social communications in virtual reality will prevail over other types of social interaction. Therefore, the purpose of the article is to determine the modern interpretation of “aggression” concept and to provide a philosophical analysis of the aggression manifestation in social networks. It is emphasized that the phenomenon of aggression is the subject of philosophy, psychology, political science, sociology, jurisprudence, biology, and medicine. Each branch of knowledge covers aggression using its own methods. The methodology on which the article is based is based on the comparative method. It has been studied how a social network can contribute to the emergence of irritants and pathogens that contribute to the transfer of manifestations of aggression from the virtual world to the real life of a person. It was determined that within the Internet space, a person takes an active part in information and communication processes using social networks. Within the information digital space, a significant number of people interact with each other, perceiving the available information differently, depending on the features of worldview, mentality, value orientations, mental state and many other factors. The article describes how information posted on social networks can cause negative emotional reactions, which also contributes to manifestations of cyber-aggression. The particularities of the manifestations of aggression during interaction in social networks are emphasized.
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