



digitization, cultural heritage, digitization of cultural heritage, intangible cultural heritage, digital literacy


The purpose of the work is to study the peculiarities and problems of the process of digitalization of cultural heritage in the context of the development of digital culture in Ukraine, to develop practical recommendations for improving digitalization in the field of cultural heritage. Methodology. The research uses an interdisciplinary approach, which made it possible to overcome the conventionality of boundaries between information-technical, cultural, and other aspects of the problem topic. Scientific novelty of the work. The result of the implementation of the proposed set of measures will be an increase in the number of citizens who participate in cultural activities through the creation of modern cultural infrastructure, the introduction of new forms and technologies into the space of activities of cultural organizations, the preservation and popularization of cultural heritage through digitization processes, support of cultural initiatives aimed at strengthening Ukrainian civic identity. Conclusions. Taking into account the transition to digital platforms of available relevant information in various spheres of social life, national projects in the field of digitization of cultural heritage are currently being developed and implemented. Over time, digital technologies can transform into objects of digital culture, in which electronic libraries, virtual museums, digital archives, electronic mass media, etc. actively participate. However, only coordinated and clearly coordinated partnership interaction of the state, public organizations and private institutions in the digitalization of cultural heritage will meet the demands of Ukrainian society and European standards in this area.


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How to Cite

Gorbul Т. О. (2023). DIGITIZATION OF CULTURAL HERITAGE IN UKRAINE: ANALYSIS OF FEATURES IN THE CONTEXT OF DIGITAL CULTURE DEVELOPMENT. Культурологічний альманах, (4), 212–218. https://doi.org/10.31392/cult.alm.2023.4.29

