


battle, war, cultural environment, fine art, religion, principle of historicism


The article is devoted to the rethinking of the concept of "battle", as well as the formation of its characteristics through the analysis of historical aspects of the formation of the battle genre from ancient Greek art, its confirmation in biblical stories of the Middle Ages, the formation of the concept of "battle genre" in the 16th – 17th centuries, to artistic reflections on the Russian-Ukrainian war of 2014–2023. It is the specifics of conducting the modern Russian-Ukrainian war and the specifics of artistic reflections on it that lead to the need to expand and supplement the meaning of the already known and used term "combat". The new definition will make it possible to systematize the work of modern artists and outline a separate direction of modern Ukrainian art. The object of the research is the reflection of the war as a historical, social and global phenomenon in the sociocultural environment of Ukraine. The subject is the theme of battle in the fine art of Ukraine of the 21st century. The research methodology is based on the principle of historicism, in the analysis of the material, general scientific research methods are used: analytical, systematic, comparative, art history, cultural, philosophical, psychological, which makes it possible to objectively understand the reflection of the "battle" in the socio-cultural space of Ukraine. The work examines the formation of the "battle genre", analyzes works of art depicting battles and confrontations. Emphasis is placed on the study of signs and characteristics of the depiction of war in the 21st century. In order to understand battle as a phenomenon, the etymology of the term was analyzed and its primary content load was established. This made it possible to explore "battle", expanding the thematic scope of the genre. In view of this, the research concentrates attention on the works in the content of which "confrontation" is embedded – mythological, religious, social and military. Based on the results of the study, a new definition of the term "battle" was formed - an artistic subject that demonstrates emotional tension through images and symbols of war, the impact of war on everyday life and everyday life of a predominantly tragic nature, that is, everything that was created on the basis of the artist's own impression from historical or modern military events, can be represented through realistic, surreal, abstract or other styles of fine art, as well as in other forms of art – cinema, music, theater.


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How to Cite

Hulievych С. О. (2023). BATTLE GENRE IN THE CONTEXT OF SOCIO-CULTURAL PROCESSES IN UKRAINE IN THE XXI CENTURY. Культурологічний альманах, (4), 219–225.

