


musical culture, performance skills, composer activity, piano, creative biography, universal creative personality


The 20th century went down in history as an era of complex challenges. This period was marked by historical cataclysms and existential tragedies, which became part of the modern experience of mankind. Despite this, the 20th century also brought many bright advances in science, changes in the education system, and innovative pedagogical ideas. The entry of Ukraine into the European educational space as an independent subject emphasizes the national identity of musical and educational phenomena. This at the same time actualizes the importance of the Ukrainian piano school as a significant world asset, and also determines the introduction of its pedagogical achievements into general scientific circulation. A significant contribution to the development of the Ukrainian piano school and raising its prestige at the world level was made by the Ukrainian pianist, teacher, composer Vitaly Vasyliovych Sechkin. The purpose of the study was to determine the contribution of Vitaly Sechkin to the development of musical art, to reveal important aspects of his creative and life path, as well as pedagogical activities. The main biographical events of the artist are characterized. His contribution to modern musical culture was analyzed. Key creative moments are highlighted (participation in competitions, the most famous works for piano created by the composer). It was determined that Vitaly Sechkin's repertoire was quite wide and constantly updated with works by composers of various styles and eras. The musician revealed himself not only in the sphere of performance. Vitaly Sechkin also showed his musical talent in his work, becoming the author of numerous original compositions of various genres – from miniatures to piano concert. The article identified the main features of the performance style of the pianist and his students, including the deep meaningfulness of the performance; stylistic accuracy; high level of sound culture; pianistic freedom. The main moments of the memory of Vitaly Sechkin at the P. Tchaikovsky National Academy of Music are considered, in particular, the opening of the memorial plaque. In general, the multifaceted creativity of the outstanding and widely recognized musician V. Sechkin led to a significant enrichment of the musical culture of Ukraine. However, the creative and life path of the pianist and composer is not sufficiently widely covered in scientific works and needs further study.


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How to Cite

Zubay Ю. М. (2023). VITALIY SECHКIN – PIANIST, TEACHER, COMPOSER. Культурологічний альманах, (4), 226–230.

