


cultural diplomacy, foreign cultural policy, soft power, traditional and contemporary art forms, manhua, donghua, C-pop, dramas


The aim of the article is to reveal the details of the evolution of the Chinese cultural landscape and its impact on the global stage in the diplomatic and intercultural contexts, taking into account the cultural heritage of both the People's Republic of China and the Republic of China. The study summarises a review of relevant thematic publications, identifies unresolved issues, and offers prospects for further research in this area. Traditional Chinese performing arts and modern forms of cultural expression are analysed as instruments of foreign cultural policy, including manhua (comics), donghua (animated series), C-pop (Chinese popular music), and dramas (films and TV series). The interdisciplinary approach of the research serves to study the dynamic fusion of traditional and contemporary elements in artistic expression; technological innovations in digital art; social engagement of art as a form of commentary and cultural activism. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the holistic approach that combines traditional and contemporary cultural forms and contributes to the discourse on cultural diplomacy and global cultural interactions, in particular in the Ukrainian academic field. The results highlight the strategic use of various art forms in China's cultural diplomacy. The findings contribute to both the academic and practical spheres by providing an understanding of China's cultural influence and laying the groundwork for future research.


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How to Cite

Ruskykh С. О. (2023). TRADITIONAL AND CONTEMPORARY ART FORMS IN CHINA’S FOREIGN CULTURAL POLICY. Культурологічний альманах, (4), 255–261.

