museum, virtual museum, history of art, historiography, digitizationAbstract
The article conducts a detailed historiographical analysis of the development of digital museums in Ukraine, focusing on their features, classification, and impact on the educational process. Special attention is given to changes in the official definition of the term “museum”, according to the International Council of Museums (ICOM), reflecting the dynamics of museum development. The article analyzes the works of domestic scholars, in particular, the contributions of Mykhailo Rutynskyi, Valentyna Trotska, Yuriy Rishkovets, Pavlo Zhezhnych, Kosarevska Radmila, and Levchenko Oleksii in the research of digital museums, and reviews the legislative framework of Ukraine regulating museum activities in the digital space. Additionally, the international experience is examined, focusing on the research of Gavin Miller, John Rimer, and Silai Styliani, Liarakapis Fotis, Kotsakis Kostas, Patias Petros, which highlight technological innovations in the field of digital museums and their role in education. Particular attention is paid to the use of virtual and augmented reality in the educational process, exemplified by the work of Julianna Guazzaroni. The article aims to define the role of digital museums in the cultural and educational environment of Ukraine, analyzing current discussions regarding the definition, structure, and functions of digital museums. The conclusion is dedicated to discussing the future prospects of digital museum development in the context of modern trends, including adaptation to new technologies, expansion of educational opportunities, and attracting a wider audience through innovative approaches to presenting museum collections. Thus, the study emphasizes the significance of digital museums as an element of modern cultural and educational infrastructure, facilitating the accessibility of cultural heritage and its integration into the global digital context.
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