


neural networks, artificial intelligence, human nature, philosophy of mind, neurobiology, human consciousness, human brain


Conventional computers perform highly predictable, routine tasks faster and more reliably than humans. Therefore, it makes sense to ask the question of how the human brain is structured and how it processes sensory information coming from the senses. The development of artificial neural networks (ANNs) should be viewed against this background. ANNs imitate the principles of organizing and processing data in the human brain. From a digital technology perspective, ANNs represent new methods for solving problems in the field of artificial intelligence research that enhance modeling tools and are particularly suitable for complex, non-conservative problems. The discoveries of modern neuroscience lead to a revolution in the human condition in cyberspace and its self-esteem, that is, our ideas about subjectivity and personal identity, about self-confidence, free will and control of actions. We do not see the brain, but only the body in which it is located, and so, one might think, it is not surprising that we habitually attribute personality characteristics to the whole person, rather than to the organ that actually has them. If you delve deeper into the neuroscience literature, you will see that the brain actually calculates, thinks, feels, recognizes and makes decisions. However, some typically human abilities, such as facial recognition, pose great challenges to traditional information processing. Conventional algorithms fail as soon as the required image quality is not achieved. A person can easily recognize faces even in difficult conditions, for example, darkness, fog. Also, a remarkable property of our brain is that the neural network is constantly rebuilt, for example through learning processes in response to changes in environmental conditions, through mechanisms of recovery from damage, or through developmental processes that are partly genetically determined.


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How to Cite

Lys Д. А., & Hryhorenko С. М. (2024). RELATIONSHIP OF HUMAN NATURE AND ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORKS IN CYBERSPACE. Культурологічний альманах, (1), 198–205.