



infernality, heroization, media culture, audiovisual works, neomythologism, postmodernism


The article examines the problems of using infernal images in modern audiovisual forms of media culture in the context of the phenomenon of heroization. The reasons for the appeal of the creators of audiovisual media products to the heroization of infernal beings are traced, and the reasons for the attractiveness of the infernal hero in the mass culture of the 21st century are revealed. It was established that the infernal narrative of modern media culture is characterized by a developed archaic structure. The study revealed that the transformation of traditional infernal images in the context of the destruction of the personified categories of good and evil is observed in the audiovisual works presented in the modern media space. The infernal images presented in the analyzed television series of Western production and domestic advertising videos are presented by the creators as aesthetically attractive, positive and charismatic. The heroization of the infernal in audiovisual works of modern media culture is a process that takes place in the paradigm of neo-mythologism, characteristic of the society of the beginning of the 21st century. To a large extent, this is due to the specifics of human perception of modern philosophical-aesthetic, information-communication, cultural, social and other trends.


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How to Cite

Holoborodko О. О. (2024). HEROIZATION OF THE INFERNAL AS A TENDENCY OF MODERN MEDIA CULTURE. Культурологічний альманах, (1), 293–297. https://doi.org/10.31392/cult.alm.2024.1.37

